Sunday, April 02, 2006


Original Post Date : September 22, 2005


Last time, there was a radio DJ who always shouted like that on Friday afternoon, half an hour before I went off, but that funny guy was transferred.

Tomorrow we are going to meet up with Uka in the morning and Leo in the afternoon.
(after making sure that Uka is not in My Friends), Actually we could never call him Uka, he was my supervisor then, so we always call him Pak R. He protested, but gave up. :)

It’s been so long since I last meet him.

I cut up my account so that only Friends can view my profile and blog. Khehehhe, so I can gossip more about everyone. :) Actually, I’m a bit hesitant to talk about private things to be read by people that I don’t know (GR dikit gakpapa :)), my Friends are all so on that my second degree is 100 times bigger than my primary Friends. Salute for you!

But this thing is so uncontrollable for me, I’d like to find friend from Junior and Primary, and I can’t even trace any of them except my best friend. She is married, no Internet, and I’m not able to call her as many times as I want. Every time I called, there would be baby sound effect in the background. Hayah…I wrote letter many times, but lost in the way.

Indonesia’s addresses are always mess-up, all those RT/RW bla bla give me headache. I remember my parent’s shop; we had to give a number by our self because it was numberless. So, we put 88, good number, mhehehe, only to find out then that there were at least three 88-s along the road.

So, we still had to count on that Jurassic Park’s address, imagine we had to add ‘Samping Gang Kancil, Desa Neroktok, Dekat Jembatan Tol’. So, I had to admire my two friends who made it to my house without help :), but neahhh, not so fast, it actually quite easy to find with the shop’s name, right? Right?

So, my letters never made it, I was left with telephone to contact her, and I can only make it few times a year, and worse still, she also lost contact with friends.

All my Pontianak’s friends, mostly far away from Internet access, I think. Those who had emails don’t have it anymore, and they don’t stay in the same place. I don’t know how to contact them, I miss them :”(….And I don’t think they can find me through Friendster because I’m aping, I don’t think they called me aping then :D. I can’t remember what did they call me!

Except that, I’m also a lazy bum. My friend count is still almost the same with last time. I have mood to use Friendster only when I’m in office, and my office limits my access, so I can’t anyhow browse, look and add friends from friends!

So, what am I talking about?

Leo, will meet him in the afternoon. We have some shopping to do, three of us want to buy some proper compass and surface buoy, additionally I want to look for Storm Whistle, don’t know how it looks or sounds like, but from what I read from Forum, it’s good to have at least one in the group for safety. I also foresee good chat with Leo, we haven’t met for two months I guess, last time we used to meet on Saturdays while patronizing dive shop and stopped by for peanut soup breaks. :) Every one has been busy since then, working, entertaining parents and in laws while they were here.

Count down for Bali, less than two months to go. Have to start exercising so that I can fit in if I ever have to wear two wetsuit plus one vest, I heard it’s going to be so coooold. I’m also excited to see how our coral looks like now. I also like to meet the group, although we can’t find more people at the moment, five of us won’t be less fun, and more, I can’t wait to fly again! Me so miss water… :”(

I was browsing old files, and suddenly remember that I laughed for good few minutes for this;

There was a menu displayed outside a Chinese Seafood Restaurant in America. :)))
Crap : $21/lbs.