Sunday, April 02, 2006


Original Post Date : October 21, 2005

Have you even seen time moves? They said time flies, but sometimes it’s stuck, don’t ya think?

Just like when you are in the middle of Distance Family’s Reunion, Class and especially WORK! I like it when I’m busy, weeks fly by, and suddenly weekend is coming. Especially when I already passed Monday and Tuesday.

This month I have been quite busy, sometimes very. Today I suppose to be busy, but I have been having headache since Tuesday! Enyut nyut nyut nyut, I can sing Jingle Bells together with the rhythm. The headache came after 3 pm, and lasted for few hours. Then the day after I would wake up feeling fresh, but headache again in the afternoon…Very bad pattern ....If I had headache in the morning, I could off from work, recovered and played at home. Not the other way around, I kept coming back to work and tortured every afternoon.

Maybe because I worked too hard from morning to afternoon (tsk tsk cough), I was super concentrated and ignored everything else, that’s why I kept looking at the monitor, and that’s the source for headache. And of course, I couldn’t work properly with headache after 3 and kept blinking at the time.

2 hours and 48 minutes more……

(make coffee) (yawn) (check email) (go to toilet) (yawn) (sneeze) (self massage)
(peeping at colleague) (clean up the cubicle)

2 hours 47 minutes and 58 seconds more….

So, I write blog. But I’m not a blogger.
My friend said that I blog. It sounded very strange for me. Blog sounds like something being stuck in the toilet bowl and blogger sounds like loose pants.
I only write to kill time and make my brain works. I write stories, but not too often, as for stories, I need to take it really seriously. I need to do spell-check, grammar, and spin my head to think whether my choice of vocabs are presentable. Then I’ll have to post, and do the revision from comments that I got from my writer friends. Bla…

For Blog, ugh..can I call it Twing? Sounds better. So I’m a twinger. For Twing, I don’t care what I write and whether they are presentable or not. I twing as if I’m talking to my friends or talk to myself. Crazy twinger.

See? Time walks faster when I write.

So, yesterday yesterday, we had an interesting lunch conversations. My two colleagues talked about their experiences with kids. Interesting? Yesss..

A lot of funny stories to share, and we ended up talking about child education. Interesting? Yesss…. Until the attention was switched to me, about the difference between how parents educate their daughters and sons. I was the right target, all fingers were pointing at me.

“So…Were there any differences between how your parents taught you and your brothers?”

Let’s see. I grew up with three brothers although actually I had four. We used to climb from first to second storey by water pipe, and walked like Superman through the top of the fence and even, balcony railings.

Me and my eldest brother liked to go to forest opposite my house (actually it was just an empty lot with few trees), collect leaves, flowers, worms and insects for magic potion or pets. I was more of the cheerleader, as I don’t like insects and flabby flubber worms. We made a house at the abandon balcony, hid food and blanket there.

Once, four of us went for a train ride, we converted the room below the stair into four-seater train, we lit candles and match. My mother screamed like mad and hugged us together. I remember she was crying. Actually, there were many containers of flammable explode able benzene around our seats. And I remember I dropped a burning match once. The story still sends shiver down my parent’s spine every time we remember. Lucky, however busy she was, she realized that suddenly all her four kids were not around and looked for us.

Anyway, we also played girlie thing quite a lot, masak2an, actually it was masak beneran, so we took food from the kitchen and sold it in ‘restaurant’. They played along very well and kept coming back to my restaurant then.

Khehehhehe… So, back to parent education, I envied them the most.

They didn’t need to do housework. They didn’t need to tend the shop. They didn’t need to be home by 6 pm. They didn’t get any censorship. They didn’t get scolded when they climbed trees..
But after all the restrictions, I told my colleagues I’m glad I was brought up that way, and maybe I’d do the same to my daughters, with all the echoes of agreement.

Whua…then we started to compare and joke around. And again, we talked like adults. If you were to start your sentences with, “Youngsters/Kids nowadays are….” Then that’s it. You have moved to another generation.

We talked about how kids nowadays can have girlfriend/boyfriend since Primary School.
My friend’s comment were priceless,” Primary School? Gosh…! I didn’t even know there are differences between boys and girls.”

For me, I thought by having a crush with a boy, I would get pregnant. I was worried for about few weeks and didn’t even dare to look at that boy.


Yay! It’s 5.30 pm now!

Friday is special, usual working days (Mon-Thurs) end at 6 pm, but Friday…..5.30!

See, twinging is a good spare time.

Happy Weekend Guys!